Sometimes when things don't quite go according to plan it's hard to focus on anything else. Maintaining a perfectly balanced mind and heart can affect even the slightest inconvenience from bad to worse, here's a few things you can do to help stop that negative thinking from bursting out of control.
Meditation: Even if it's taking two seconds to sit on the floor of whatever room you're in or making sure you have enough space physically and emotionally to sit and reflect, meditation is an amazing way to make sure those thoughts in your head don't run amuck.
Diaphragmatic Breathing: Making sure you're breathing correctly is a big part of maintaining that control. Think of it as breathing from your belly rather than your chest, like anything, your lungs and your chest can tighten when stressed. Instead of lifting your shoulders and chest up when you inhale try focusing on breathing deep below in the belly.
Drinking Water: Water intake is more important than you know when you are stressed or fighting with emotions. It resets the body and adds enough minerals and substance into your system to calm those nerves.
Lastly, Make sure you yourself are taking time in the day to talk and reflect on how you can change the narrative. It's often in times of hopelessness that we think "Oh life sucks." When in reality there's so many wonderful things in life to think about instead. It takes a lot of practice and a lot of guts to try to change the way you think about others and yourself but instead of dwelling on things you can't control, focus on the things you can.
Talk about it: Make sure you surround yourself with positive people and things to help balance out that dark cloud overhead. When you have people that constantly bring you down or don't listen it can be hard to see the positive in anything, but if you work together and have someone who can listen clearly, it makes all the difference.
Understanding why something is happening is a big part of growing up and a perfect way to feel empathy. Instead of clearly being angry or frustrated about something make sure you take time out of your day to understand that people make mistakes too and it's part of being human.
Remember: It's normal to let feelings of negativity drag you down, it's your job to remember that life will always go on, things will always work out and no matter what, be kind to yourself.