We are hiring! If you or someone you love are a passionate about health and are a licensed healthcare practitioner, we would love to welcome you to our team. Please email info@radiancehealthYQR.ca for more information!
Dr. Larissa Wheeler, BHS, ND
Clinic Owner & Founder
I always knew that I wanted to be in healthcare. Since I was very young, I remember telling my grandparents proudly each year when they asked me what I wanted to be that I would be a dietitian, a nutritionist, or a dermatologist. I truly feel that helping others achieve optimal health has always been my vocation: something I was born to do.
Starting at the age of 10, I suffered with acne. I went to doctors and specialists, and tried all kinds of treatments. Seriously, you name it and I've tried it: diets, acutane, antibiotics, prescription creams, cleansers, spot treatments - you get the idea. For over a decade I searched for answers. From my experience, I know the negative effect that skin conditions play in self confidence, especially for teens and children. I realize that it is our skin is what we show to the world and can define us. Whether it's acne, eczema, psoriasis, or simple aging, we all need to be heard and be validated. I want to provide the solutions, and help you love the skin that you are in.
I found naturopathic medicine accidentally and I almost missed it. I was in the University of Regina in Kinesiology, unsure about my future, when a naturopathic doctor came in for a guest presentation. I almost missed my life altering opportunity because of a classic Saskatchewan snowstorm. Luckily, I made it to the class and after hearing the principles of naturopathic medicine, I fell in love and jumped feet first into 8 years of post secondary education.
I graduated from the University of Regina in 2016 receiving a Bachelor in Health Studies with distinction which had a strong emphasis on Indigenous Health, the social determinants of health, and intersectionality. I proceeded to graduate from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in the Spring of 2020, one of two accredited naturopathic medical schools in Canada.
Along the way I have learned many lessons, but one thing that is glaringly obvious is that people need support, people need to be understood, and people need someone to advocate for them and their health. I have made it my mission to provide quality and accessible healthcare for all people:
all races; all ethnicities; all genders and sexualities. Everyone deserves high quality healthcare and everyone is welcome in my office.
2023 came with a new challenge of clinic ownership. I have always dreamed of creating a multi-disciplinary space that optimizes patient wellness, and helps support women professionals. I jumped in with both feet to help bring those dreams into reality and founded Radiance Health YQR.
I am thrilled to have chosen a career that allows me to do what I love every day. I am fulfilled to know that I make a difference in peoples lives. It doesn't get any better than that. I work every day to make that little dreamer, my past self, proud: I think she would be.
I would be honoured to be a part of your health journey.
My Credentials
​Doctorate of Naturopathy
Canadian College of
Naturopathic Medicine, 2020
Bachelor of Health Studies with Distinction
University of Regina, 2016
Hundreds of hours of clinical experience
Have had 3500+ patient encounters to date early in my career.