According to recent studies, about 4 out of 5 people suffer from migraines or
headaches due to stress. Unfortunately I am also one of those people. My
practice didn’t start when I moved from Swift Current to Regina to pursue a
career in Massage Therapy, but it started when I was about nine years old.
My grandmother growing up was a reflexologist and me being a very active child I
was constantly in pain. She showed me the importance of drinking water even
though I was obsessed with sugar and eventually showed me parts of the
nervous system that connected to each other. My favorite part of the day
spending with her was learning about all the different trigger points in your body
for migraines.
1. The Hegu Point: This is what’s known as the “Dime Sized” spot on top of
the hand between the pointer finger and the thumb.
2. The Fengchi Point: The two little “Knobs” on the back of your head where
your neck meets the back of your skull
3. The Yintang Point: The center between your eyebrows
Another big part of migraines comes from your body’s function. If you yourself
don’t take care of your body why would your body take care of you? If you’re
anything like me I struggle with drinking enough water in a day.
Tip: Get one of those giant water bottles that measure how many liters you’re
consuming in a day to hold you accountable
Most people think that a migraine will go away on their own, but not only are they
extremely painful they can cause eyesight impairment. If a migraine is not treated
right aways you could possibly start to feel other symptoms with it as well. Such
Pain that Radiates into Jaw, Mood Swings, Dizziness, Throbbing in your head, Fatigue, Increased thirst or urination.
In extreme cases with sensitivity to light you have the potential to injure yourself
more by trying to do basic activities. In the event you suffer from extreme
migraines or any of these symptoms here are some other things you can take to
prevent further pain.
1. Apply a cold compress to the area and sit in a dark room (must have zero
2. Eat ginger: Ginger is a natural inflammatory herb that helps soothe and
reduce pain.
3. Hydrate.
4. Meditate or do Yoga: Yoga and meditation with no noises or background
distractions can reset the body’s homeostasis to relieve the stressful parts
of a migraine.
5. Eat a Banana: Banana’s have a good source of potassium and give you
6. Sleep Well: A good night’s rest can do wonders for a stressful and active
7. Eat seeds and Nuts: A good source of fiber and contains magnesium.
Magnesium deficiency is one of the largest causes of migraines and
8. Aromatherapy: Peppermint has been known to be an effective smell that
targets the nervous system and reduces migraine symptoms.
9. Intake a small amount of caffeine
10. Avoid any foods that contain nitrates such as: hotdogs, deli meats,
sausage and bacon
Following a healthy and relaxed lifestyle can do so much good for your overall
health not just including when you feel you need it. Everyone gets so busy trying
to be superheroes and working until we burn ourselves out, my goal is to make
sure that not only are you taking care of your overall health but maintaining a
healthy mind as well. Many people go their whole lives without ever even having
something as little as a massage. Maybe I’m biased but massage therapy is my
favorite part of health care. There's so many options and variants for people
especially considering we all know how different everyone is in their needs. This
is just a small start to working towards a better and happier you.